Access medical appointments, essential services, or shopping through our network of transportation providers in Mississauga.
The Seniors Navigation Portal team is here to help connect you to the right transportation service. If your address is outside of the service area, please use the search on this page.
Door to door transportation to and from a local shopping destination, banking, grocery store, post office and more.
Access medical appointments, and essential services through our transportation programs. Accompaniment and accessible transportation may be available.
Enter your address to view transportation services that serve your home or nearby in your community.
Select services from your results to see more information or to request an appointment to book your required transporation.
Some services let you book online and choose an appointment time. After filling out the form, the provider will contact you.
Older adults, seniors, and adults with disabilities may qualify for Transportation Programs. Availability may vary based on location.
Yes, there are fees for transportation services. Rates may be a flat fee or a cost per kilometer based on the program.
We make every effort to keep fees affordable to ensure cost is not a barrier to service. In some cases, subsidies may be available.
Every effort is made to meet your service needs. Please contact your local service provider to make your request.
Tell us about your mobility needs when asking for transportation. Not all providers have accessible vehicles, but they can work with you to try to meet your needs.